Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Landslide Charlie Strikes Again!

"This time it's more than one."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Election Day is TODAY.

Please be sure to vote.

If you need a ride to the polls, please call the campaign office at 778-412-6223 (local call).

Election Day in Williams Lake.

said it would be a frosty day in May before the NDP got elected again!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Please join us for a Charlie Wyse Victory Party on Tuesday May 12 beginning at 7 p.m. at Beeotcheese Bistro at 160 N 2nd Ave.

We will follow the provincial and local results throughout the evening via the internet.

Coffee, snacks, cash bar.


Election Day is tomorrow May 12!

Please be sure to vote.

If you need a ride to the polls, please call the campaign office at 778-412-6223 (local call).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Greyhound Angel

The Greyhound Angel
How else do you describe this young woman who traveled overnight for 15 hours on a Greyhound bus from Victoria to Williams Lake just to work on Charlie's campaign? Selina Mitchell arrived on Sunday morning at 7, put in a full day in at the office using her great organizing ability and people skills, then left on the bus at 9 Sunday night to get back to Victoria in time for work on Monday morning. Thanks Selina. You're part of our team.

Carol Comes To Cowboy Country

Carol and Charlie meet with Duncan Barnett to discuss ranching issues.

Carol doing the happy dance in Williams Lake.

Charlie Wyse, Chief Irvine Charleyboy, Chief Francis Laceese, Carole James, Roger William, and Bob Simpson at the Campaign Office.

Monday, May 4, 2009

At the Seniors Village

Today Charlie was at the Seniors Village to make a short presentation, answer questions, and have some one on one time with the residents. This is the generation that has sacrificed so much for the right to vote. You can be sure that they will be voting on May 12.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

D Day before E Day

Workers at Charlie's campaign office take a chili break and watch the televised debate.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day of Mourning

On Tuesday, April 28, Charlie stepped off the campaign trail to attend the Day of Mourning ceremony at the Williams Lake City Hall. This day of remembrance is to honor all those workers who died or were injured on the job.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The All Candidates Forum April 27

Important Questions, Informed Answers--

That's what we hoped for.
That's what Charlie and Bob delivered.

Questions from the floor concerned the privatization of BC rivers, child poverty, the breaking of contracts, Prosperity Mine, and criminal offences.

Highest level of child poverty in Canada, Lowest Minimum wage in Canada---coincidence?
If you are concerned about the economic implications of raising the minimum wage, check this article from the Vancouver Sun--Why The Minimum Wage Should Be Raised.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



April 20, 2009
Williams Lake — NDP MLA Charlie Wyse says it’s long past time for the RCMP to investigate the BC Rail deal and Liberal insider Patrick Kinsella’s involvement in the giveaway of a key provincial asset.
“Gordon Campbell broke his election promise not to sell BC Rail, and people in the Cariboo-Chilcotin have been dealing with the fallout of that bad privatization deal ever since” said Wyse. “As MLA, I received numerous complaints about CN ignoring the concerns of the communities in our area, especially cattlemen trying to make a living along the right of way, and local industry set back by the lack of supply of railcars to move their products.”
NDP MLA Leonard Krog has sent a letter today to the RCMP requesting an investigation, and Wyse says recent media reports that Kinsella was being paid by both BC Rail and CN while the privatization deal was being made are deeply disturbing.
“The BC Rail sale stinks of scandal,” Wyse said. “The public deserves to know what happened, why the Liberal Party’s campaign director appears to have benefited so richly from the deal, what he was being paid to do, and why Gordon Campbell didn’t put a stop to it. We’ve been trying to get answers to these questions in the Legislature for months, but all we’ve got is stonewalling. Maybe the RCMP can force the Liberals to answer.”

(What do legal experts think of "It's before the courts"? Check out Ducking Questions in The Tyee. )

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Showdown at the Complex

People came to the
Complex to see a rodeo, but a political skirmish broke out.
Thankfully the Paramedics, who are trying to get an equitable contract with the government, were on hand to deal with any injuries.

More details about Campbell's Ralph Klein boots and reactions from the livestock can be seen at CBC or Times Colonist. However, the best description of the event can be had in an article in the CBC website called Campaign Bytes. Check it out.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

On the Campaign Trail

Move 'em out!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rafe Mair: Live in 100 Mile

Rafe Mair, sponsored by the South Cariboo Labour Council and the Council of Canadians, will be giving a talk in 100 Mile House on Thursday April 9. If you wish, you can leave the driving to us, and go to 100 Mile House by chartered bus for $10 (provided that we can get at least 10 riders). If you wish to go by bus, phone Sheila Wyse at 250-392-7215, ASAP.
The bus will leave the Youth for Christ parking lot in Williams Lake at 5:00 pm. Arrangements can be made for pick up at 150 Mile House.

Rafe Mair, at various times, has been a writer, broadcaster, politician, traveller, and fly-fisherman. He has some definite views about what "moving forward", Campbell style, has meant to BC. Check out his website at for a preview.

If you can't get to 100 Mile House, you can always have breakfast with Rafe Mair at the Alley Katz Bistro banquet room in Williams Lake on Friday April 10, 9:30 am to 11:00 am. The Buffet Breakfast is $5.00

Sunday, April 5, 2009

WL Office: Grand Opening

Charlie's campaign office will be opening on Wednesday April 8th at 4:30 pm.

77 N 2nd Avenue
Williams Lake, B.C.
V2G 2J7

Tel: 778-412-6223

See you there!

The 100 Mile Office will be located at the Safeway Mall and will be opening soon.

A report of the opening by the WL Tribune can be found at by clicking here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More on the McAbee fossil site

by Dr. Bruce Archibald

The McAbee fossil site is a world-class treasure that we can be proud of—it has been discussed at scientific meetings around the world and in prominent scientific journals. But, it is being rapidly degraded through ongoing mismanagement. Charlie’s absolutely right in pointing toward what they’re doing at Eastend, Saskatchewan with the T. rex Centre as a model of what we could do here ( click on “T. rex Centre” in the top right box). Rather than destroy the heritage jewel of the McAbee as is being done now, such proper management would be a long-term benefit to all people, locally, regionally, and provincially, not only in preserving our heritage in a manner that benefits us all by its educational values, but also in providing a sustainable income source, attracting visitors from around the world to visit the region. This is a wonderful thing that we could show the world with pride; but it needs care. Once this treasure is gone, it’s gone forever.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Homeless

Mr. Speaker,

I am pleased to have this opportunity to speak today about a man in my constituency whose daily work brings him in contact with our communities’ most vulnerable citizens. I speak of the men, women, and children among us who have no home.

Wayne Lucier works through the Canadian Mental Health Association to support the homeless in Williams Lake and 100 Mile House.

Every day Mr. Lucier works with his clients to find affordable housing. However this man is not a realtor searching for the perfect waterfront condo or luxury estate. He is searching for that basic necessity to which all citizens in BC are entitled: clean, safe, affordable shelter.

Finding this shelter is not simple. Many of Mr. Lucier’s clients need other assistance such as mental health support, financial support, addiction services, and food banks. Only then can the search for affordable, clean, safe housing begin.

A count in Williams Lake shows 85 people without homes. In 100 Mile House no official count has determined the exact number of homeless. But referral information from volunteer and government agencies point to a need for affordable housing in that community also.

Every day Wayne Lucier is faced with finding homes for the homeless. When no affordable housing exists he turns to the Friendship Centre’s shelter. Without this resource, many homeless people in the Cariboo would have to live on the street – a dangerous situation in winter temperatures of minus 35 degrees.

Unfortunately the Friendship Centre’s resources are limited and there is not always space available when needed. Mr. Lucier has told me that the biggest barrier for his clients in our community is the lack of affordable housing.

Mr. Speaker, I thank Wayne Lucier for all his efforts on behalf of the citizens of Cariboo communities. I ask the House to join with me in recognizing Mr. Lucier’s work in improving the lives of others.

Aboriginal Issues

Mr. Speaker,

On Friday I had the honour to join my colleague, the Member from New Westminster and several chiefs of First Nations bands in a moving ceremony in New Westminster.

As the House knows from a previous address I gave in this chamber, the Chilcotin War of 1864 had a long term effect on the First Nations people of the Interior Plateau. Six chiefs of the Chilcotin nation went to war against Alfred Waddington and his men who were intent on building a road from Bute Inlet through the Tsilhqot’in territories to the Cariboo Goldfields. The chiefs were trying to protect their families and territory after 60% of their people had been decimated by a smallpox outbreak.

As a result of the Chilcotin War of 1864, six Tsilhqot’in Chiefs were executed – five of them in Quesnel and the sixth in New Westminster. While the remains of the five chiefs executed in Quesnel have been found, the sixth chief’s remains were never located.

Friday’s ceremony in New Westminster is a first step in closing a circle that has remained open for 143 years. This moving ceremony in honour of Ahan, the fallen missing warrior, recognized the Chief’s efforts to protect his people and their way of life.

Attending Friday’s ceremony were the current six chiefs of the Tsilhqot’in people, five former chiefs, several elders and youth from the Tsilhqot’in bands, Linda Price, chief of the Carrier people and representative of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Wayne Wright, Mayor of New Westminster, the chair and vice-chair of the New Westminster Board of Education as well as other representatives of the New Westminster School District . The gathering was welcomed by Sheral Wright, daughter of Chief Rhonda Larrabee of the New Westminster Indian Band (Qay Qay’t).

Mr. Speaker, I know the House joins with me in celebrating this first step toward resolving a long standing injustice and closing a circle for the First Nations people of the Interior Plateau.

McAbee Fossil Site

For Immediate Release
October 23, 2008


WILLIAMS LAKE— The McAbee fossil bed has suffered severe damage during six years of Campbell government inaction says Cariboo South MLA Charlie Wyse. The New Democrat MLA believes that the government needs to take significant steps to protect what is left of the site.

“After six long years of inaction only one of the mineral claims on the site is being regulated,” said Wyse. “It is not acceptable for a precious cultural and scientific resource to be turned into kitty litter. The government needs to work with the scientific community to assess the McAbee fossil beds and protect what remains."

Cariboo South MLA Charlie Wyse is happy that the Campbell Liberal government is beginning to take steps to protect the McAbee fossil bed. Paleontologists have been sounding the alarm about destructive mining of the site since 2002.

"I've been advocating for the protection of the McAbee fossil bed ever since this issue was brought to my attention," said Wyse. "While more protection of the McAbee site is welcome, I'm concerned that it has been left in the hands of the same commercial interests that have imposed wholesale destruction on the site."

Dr. Bruce Archibald, a paleontologist and post-doctoral fellow with Simon Fraser University who has studied McAbee insects and ecology, is not optimistic about the future of the site.

"While it's heartening that the Province is finally beginning to address the serious, tragic loss of an internationally significant fossil resource at the McAbee, the current MOU is clearly insufficient in protecting this paleontological treasure, and does not yet represent real progress,” said Archibald. “As the situation stands, deeply problematic issues remain unresolved that continue to threaten the scientific, heritage, and educational aspects of the site."
_The McAbee fossil bed is of great paleontological significance with extraordinary fossil resources that exist no where else in the world.

"Clearly the province needs a better framework in place to protect fossil sites. A scientific resource of this magnitude should not be subject to strip mining," said Wyse. "These fossils and the knowledge that is embedded in them are too important to be given away to commercial interests."
_Wyse has been advocating for the McAbee site to be developed as a paleontological interpretive centre like the T-Rex Discovery Centre in Eastend, Saskatchewan. A centre would not only protect the heritage value of the fossils and provide public interpretation and research but also provide economic benefits to regional communities.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

On the Environment

October 31, 2008


WILLIAMS LAKE—The Ministry of Environment did not follow due and proper process when they stocked Chimney Lake with Kokanee salmon against the wishes of First Nations and other residents and stakeholders, say New Democrat MLAs Bob Simpson and Charlie Wyse.

The Cariboo MLAs have written to Environment Minister Barry Penner to express their concerns about the way the process was handled.

“Landowners, residents and First Nations all said no to Kokanee in Chimney Lake,” said Wyse, the MLA for Cariboo South. “The Ministry of the Environment has made a mockery of the consultation process by blatantly disregarding the wishes of major stakeholders in the region.”

Stakeholders were even more upset when the Ministry of the Environment proceeded with stocking the lake even after the Environmental Appeal Board agreed to hear an appeal concerning the issue.

"We felt slighted because due process wasn't followed," stated Mike Lamb, Chimney Lake Landholders Association Committee member, " It didn't matter what arguments community members made the Ministry of the Environment Officials were determined to go ahead with their decision to stock Chimney Lake with Kokanee. We definitely do not want more stocking of Chimney Lake with Kokanee to take place."

“I’m concerned that the process used in this decision was flawed,” said Wyse. “It is pointless to have an appeal process if actions are allowed to proceed before an appeal is even heard.”

Kokanee salmon are not native to Chimney Lake, and residents and First Nations are concerned that they may displace the native Rainbow Trout in Chimney and neighbouring Felker Lake.

Both MLAs believe that the wishes of First Nations and other local residents as well as sound scientific reasoning should be paramount when the Ministry of the Environment seeks to alter the environment for recreational purposes.

” We are not in support of the stocking of Chimney Lake because proper consultation with Williams Lake Indian Band did not take place,” states Chief Ann Louie of Williams Lake Indian Band, “This is a part of the traditional territory of Secwepemc people. Our community members utilize this lake for fishing and we would like to preserve this lake for generations to come.”

“It is absolutely mystifying that the Ministry of the Environment would push ahead with stocking this lake with a non native species in the absence of local assent or a compelling scientific reason,” said Simpson, the MLA for Cariboo North. “It appears that the arrogance of the Campbell government is infecting the ministries under their watch.”

“In the interests of reconciliation and building positive relationships with First Nations, the Ministry of the Environment should not have proceeded before engaging in consultation with the appropriate aboriginal authorities,” said Wyse. “There was no reason to rush ahead and irreparably alter this lake.”

On Behalf of Ranchers

For Immediate Release
Friday, October 3, 2008


WILLIAMS LAKE— New Democrat Agriculture Critic Charlie Wyse is hoping that a UBCM resolution supporting his private member’s bill will force the Campbell Liberal government to act to protect ranchers from losing their livestock to trains.

Wyse, the MLA for Cariboo South, says that even as his bill was being lauded by community representatives at the UBCM conference, his office was receiving calls about cattle that were recently killed by trains.

“Campbell shows that he is out of touch with rural British Columbians as he continues to ignore this issue,” said Wyse. “His government created this situation when they privatized the rail line without ensuring that the interests of industries and individuals along the rail line were protected.”

B.C. Rail used to take responsibility for the construction and maintenance of fencing and rail crossings and when livestock were struck they had a practice of contacting the ranchers so they were aware of their loss and able to deal with injured animals humanely. Upon proof of loss B.C. Rail would also reimburse the cost of the animal. Wyse’s private member’s bill would legislate these practices, which are not being followed by CN.

Cheryl and Ed Monical are among the ranchers who have lost cattle, and they are fed up with having to absorb the losses caused by the railway.

“We’ve lost cattle, and so have our neighbours,” said Cheryl Monical. “We just found a couple more rotting by the tracks. It infuriates me that CN doesn’t contact ranchers when they kill our cattle, or do anything to prevent this from happening. The Campbell government needs to step in and make this stop; it wasn’t a problem before they sold the railway.”

Wyse says that the UBCM resolution should be a wake up call for the Campbell Liberals, who are the only ones ignoring the problems caused by their sale of B.C. Rail.

“My private member’s bill is sensible and it would protect ranchers from unnecessary losses,” said Wyse. “Campbell needs to stop siding with the railway, and to start listening to the ranchers who were impacted by the sale of B.C. Rail.”