Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Landslide Charlie Strikes Again!

"This time it's more than one."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Election Day is TODAY.

Please be sure to vote.

If you need a ride to the polls, please call the campaign office at 778-412-6223 (local call).

Election Day in Williams Lake.

said it would be a frosty day in May before the NDP got elected again!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Please join us for a Charlie Wyse Victory Party on Tuesday May 12 beginning at 7 p.m. at Beeotcheese Bistro at 160 N 2nd Ave.

We will follow the provincial and local results throughout the evening via the internet.

Coffee, snacks, cash bar.


Election Day is tomorrow May 12!

Please be sure to vote.

If you need a ride to the polls, please call the campaign office at 778-412-6223 (local call).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Greyhound Angel

The Greyhound Angel
How else do you describe this young woman who traveled overnight for 15 hours on a Greyhound bus from Victoria to Williams Lake just to work on Charlie's campaign? Selina Mitchell arrived on Sunday morning at 7, put in a full day in at the office using her great organizing ability and people skills, then left on the bus at 9 Sunday night to get back to Victoria in time for work on Monday morning. Thanks Selina. You're part of our team.

Carol Comes To Cowboy Country

Carol and Charlie meet with Duncan Barnett to discuss ranching issues.

Carol doing the happy dance in Williams Lake.

Charlie Wyse, Chief Irvine Charleyboy, Chief Francis Laceese, Carole James, Roger William, and Bob Simpson at the Campaign Office.

Monday, May 4, 2009

At the Seniors Village

Today Charlie was at the Seniors Village to make a short presentation, answer questions, and have some one on one time with the residents. This is the generation that has sacrificed so much for the right to vote. You can be sure that they will be voting on May 12.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

D Day before E Day

Workers at Charlie's campaign office take a chili break and watch the televised debate.